2013 | _scape II | video |
2009 | _scape with 6 and 7 | video |
2010 | _scape with 6 and 7 (nuit blanche) | video, installation, site-specific |
2008 | 1 hour with my period | performance, video |
2005 | A collective statement against domestic abuse | live, public, performance, collaboration, site-specific |
2012 | A Piece of a City | curatorial, collaboration, site-specific |
2008 | abc | performance, video |
2006 | Bike ride | video |
2011 | breath composition | collaboration, live, public, performance, sculpture |
2011 | breath composition II | collaboration, sculpture, installation |
2011 | breath composition III | collaboration, sculpture, installation |
2013 | cable knots | sculpture |
2017 | cable knots booklet | edition, workbook |
2017 | cable knots club (Y+ contemporary) | live, public, performance, interactive, workshop |
2017 | cable knots club (Creative NS Gala) | live, public, performance, interactive, workshop |
2007 | converse | video, installation |
2008 | copulation quilt | sculpture |
2014 | (dis)comforted | edition, sculpture |
2013 | dumplings | sculpture |
2011 | elastic body | video |
2012 | Finational [photo series] | edition, photo |
2008 | Finational | sculpture, performance, video |
2012 | Forts | collaboration, installationa, site-specific |
2009 | Gendai Nihongo workshop | live, public, performance, interactive, workshop |
2008 | 公公 Goong goong (guitar waltz) | performance, collaboration, video, installation |
2013 | home away | sculpture, video, installation |
2016 | How I can–well-enough (or showing my work) | live, performance |
2016 | How to be together forever | edition, workbook |
2012 | I want more | live, public, performance, interactive, workshop, sculpture, site-specific |
2011 | in memory | curatorial, collaboration, site-specific |
2012 | in the round | video |
2006 | Kind Eyes | performance, video |
2008 | Kiss I | performance, video, installation, site-specific |
2009 | Kiss II | performance, video, installation, site-specific |
2011 | Kiss III | performance, video, installation, site-specific |
2011 | Knowhere | collaboration, live, public, performance, sculpture |
2007 | letter to mi | live, performance |
2014 | Long shadow | installation, site-specific |
2006 | Make a wish! | edition, live, public, performance, interactive, video, site-specific |
2012 | Make a wish! | edition |
2012 | map to here | edition, live, public, performance, interactive, workshop, video |
2009 | Meeting my mother | live, performance, collaboration, interactive |
2011 | Mourning Tea | live, performance, sculpture |
2011 | Mourning Tea | sculpture, photo |
2007 | my abortion right | live, performance, video, installation |
2018 | noodle knots | performance, wip, sculpture |
2010 | now.liminal | live, performance, interactive |
2008 | On a Sunnyside Mourning | collaboration, live, public, performance, installation, site-specific |
2005 | on consumption | live, performance, video |
2007 | On Consumption II | live, public, performance |
2018 | parcel skins | sculpture, wip |
2013 | parcels | sculpture, photo |
2007 | performance drop-in | live, performance, collaboration, interactive, workshop |
2008 | Post war 1, 2, skip a few | collaboration, live, performance |
2006 | Power Failure | video |
2012 | racing sticks | performance, interactive, workshop, video |
2010 | red envelopes project | sculpture, wip |
2009 | relative [concrete blocks] | performance, video, sculpture, installation, site-specific |
2008 | scarlet [smoking asian girls] | performance, collaboration, video |
2008 | see through | live, performance, video, installation |
2008 | She bleeds yellow | collaboration, live, performance, video, installation |
2009 | She Me | video |
2008 | sheer tactual | performance, video |
2015 | Show your work | video, installation, site-specific |
2019 | slow suspending | video, installation, site-specific |
2013 | studies [from rice] | photo |
2013 | the curve | sculpture, photo |
2012 | tooth and nail (and hair) | sculpture |
2011 | turn something green | video |
2017 | untitled (chinese character stamps) | sculpture, wip |
2011 | Untitled [black + grey] | edition, video |
2010 | Untitled [black + grey] | video |
2017 | Waking Dreams of Chinatown, Somewhere around here… | live, public, performance, interactive, workshop, site-specific |
2012 | walking chimes | public, performance, video |
2012 | walking randoseru | sculpture, performance, live |
2014 | ways of something (episode 2, minute 12) | video, collaboration |
2007 | When I was just a little girl | live, performance, installation |
2006 | woman, i just want to be | video |
2009 | women we want to be (mi cha) | performance, collaboration, video |
2007 | x-chromosome at work | performance, video, site-specific |
2006 | You’re wrong | performance, video, collaboration |